Welcome to the Rotary Club of Minden, Ontario, Canada.

We are your neighbours working together to make our community a better place.
Change your community with us by supporting Minden Rotary and  providing a donation at any time.
Come out to one of our meetings as a guest and experience the camaraderie enjoyed by your fellow citizens of Minden. Meetings are held on Mondays from 5:45 pm.

November 4 - Rotary Foundation Pot Luck Dinner at Sunny Rock B&B
November 8 - Holiday Auction Bidding Open, visit: charityauction.bid/mindenrotary2024
November 11 - Remembrance Day
November 14 - Joint Meeting at Haliburton Legion - Learn about Youth Leadership Camp
Minden Rotary is proud to be of service to the community with financial support of initiatives, hosting events, and hands-on help!
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Past President
Rotary Foundation
Bulletin Editor
Grants Chair
New Generations