
Ages 12-18

Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. Find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun.

Interact clubs organize at least two projects every year, one that helps their school or community and one that promotes international understanding. Rotary club sponsors mentor and guide Interactors as they carry out projects and develop leadership skills.

Click here to learn more.

Adventures in Citizenship

Ages 16-18

Students from across Canada meet with political leaders and senior officials from the Ottawa area to learn about our democrat Institutions, diversity of Canada and the privileges and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship. 

Click here to learn more.


Adventure in Understanding

Ages 16-18

The “Adventure in Understanding” program is an annual six day ( five night) cultural canoe experience for young  First Nation and non-native youth ages sixteen to eighteen years old.

It is a co-ed canoe voyage along the Trent Severn Waterway from Beavermead Park in Peterborough to Curve Lake First Nation.

The program was developed by the Rotary Club of Peterborough Kawartha with the assistance of the Curve Lake First Nation Youth Committee and is offered with the co-operation of Camp Kawartha and the Canadian Canoe Museum.

Click here to learn more.


Ages 18-30

Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30. Rotaract clubs are either community or university based, and they're sponsored by a local Rotary club. This makes them true "partners in service" and key members of the family of Rotary.

As one of Rotary's most significant and fastest-growing service programs, with more than 7,000 clubs in about 163 countries and geographical areas, Rotaract has become a worldwide phenomenon.

How does it work?

All Rotaract efforts begin at the local, grassroots level, with members addressing their communities' physical and social needs while promoting international understanding and peace through a framework of friendship and service.

What are some other opportunities available to Rotaractors? Rotaractors may also:

  • Assist in organizing Interact clubs or mentor Interactors

  • Participate in Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

  • Become Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholars or Group Study Exchange team members

  • Seek membership in their local Rotary club


Ages 19-25

RYLA is an acronym for Rotary Youth Leadership Awards.  RYLA is leadership training for young adults (19-25 years) led by a professional facilitator experienced in youth leadership development and supported by RYLA graduates and Rotarians;

One week residential program on a college/university campus consisting of lectures, simulation games, discussion groups, committee work, public speaking, social activities;

An opportunity to learn, grow, share ideas, have fun and make new friends.

Click here to learn more.